Breast augmentation, or augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that aims to increase the size, shape, or fullness of the breast.

Breast augmentation is one of the most frequently performed aesthetic surgical procedures, successfully helping women enhance or restore balance to their figures.
Procedure Length: 1- 1.5 Hours
Anesthesia: General
Recovery: No lifting, pushing or pulling for 6 weeks. Back to work within a week.
Why choose Breast Augmentation surgery?
Breast augmentation surgery is about choices. Maybe your breasts don’t hold the same shape as they used to. Weight fluctuations or the after-effects of breastfeeding may have changed the shape or overall perkiness of your breasts, or maybe they haven’t ever given your body the contour and proportions you wanted. Breast augmentation surgery aims to alter the size, placement, and shape of your breasts to give you the breasts you want, so you can feel like the best version of you.
What is Breast Augmentation surgery?
Breast augmentation surgery involves making a small incision in the fold below your breasts allowing for a breast implant to be put into place. Through consultation with you, Dr. Cluett will identify the best incision or approach, along with options for breast implants she would recommend to help you achieve your desired results
The best breast augmentation results come from choosing the right procedure, implant, and surgeon. Dr. Cluett is the only female plastic surgeon in Newfoundland and Labrador. This, along with her client-centered approach allows her to better understand your motivations for pursuing breast augmentation surgery. What a patient receives from Dr. Cluett is more than just breast augmentation. From your initial consult she works directly with you to identify your desired outcomes and through pre-operative consultations she will develop a procedure plan that puts your desires, health, and safety at the forefront. The best breast augmentation results come from choosing the right procedure, implant, and surgeon.
More Questions
Which Breast Implant is the one I need?
There are a wide range of breast implant options today, and a number of different solutions might be recommended to achieve your desired outcome. Breast implants used in breast augmentation have been the subject of continuous improvement, and Dr. Cluett regularly attends medical conferences and symposiums to keep up to date on the latest breast augmentation solutions and techniques. Your body and it’s attributes will influence the breast implants for you. During your consult with Dr. Cluett, all of the recommended approaches will be reviewed with you and together you and her will be able to decide which option suits you best.
Is Breast Augmentation right for everyone?
Breast augmentation is not for every woman, but a lot of women feel that their breasts are not proportional, they are too small or have lost their shape following weight loss or after having children. Most women considering breast augmentation learn during the consultation whether they are good candidates for this surgical procedure. For breast augmentation candidates, being in good health is necessary and any concerns about breast health problems must be resolved before undergoing any cosmetic breast procedure. More important, however is that patients have realistic expectations about what is possible for them. Patients must understand their overall anatomy, and their overall body form will help influence the recommendations and in some cases will limit their options. Patients who have carefully considered their decisions and have chosen to get breast implants are typically the best candidates.
You should always feel comfortable and informed about any surgical procedure you’re considering. Dr. Cluett will ensure that your questions and concerns are always addressed, from initial consultation to procedure day and as you recover.
What are good reasons for Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation isn’t just for women who want larger breasts. The procedure can boost a woman’s confidence and improve her body’s proportions with a very smooth, natural-looking result. Many women with breasts of unequal sizes choose breast augmentation to balance and improve the symmetry or match of their breasts. Breast augmentation can as well help improve the volume of breasts that appear deflated after women have had children, breast fed or lost a significant amount of weight.
If you are considering breast augmentation, be sure that your decision will benefit you and your confidence. Choosing a certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Cluett who is up-to-date on the latest breast augmentation options, techniques and trends is an excellent starting point in your augmentation journey.
What should I expect during my Breast Augmentation surgery?
Breast augmentation surgery is performed under a general anesthetic administered by a Royal College Certified Anesthetist. General anesthesia is necessary to permit a precise and pain free procedure.
Where are the Breast Augmentation incisions made?
The choice of incision location is usually determined after consultation with Dr. Cluett during which she will advise you of the placement which best suits your anatomy as well as relates to the choice of implant chosen. The most popular incision with the lowest risk of complications is an incision in the breast crease – the natural lower boundary of your breast, where the breast and the chest meet.
Is recovery after Breast Augmentation surgery painful?
Surgical techniques now used during breast augmentation procedures decrease the trauma to tissues making the recovery more comfortable and limit bruising and bleeding. There is slightly more discomfort when implants are placed under the muscle, but the recovery remains easier and faster than most women anticipate. Learning what to expect post-surgery and how long it will take for you to feel completely recovered can help you better prepare. Dr. Cluett will assess your overall health and give you a more definitive timeline prior to your procedure.
When can I return to normal activity after my Breast Augmentation surgery?
Most patients are back to their normal activities within a week regardless of the implant position chosen. Patients can wear normal clothes and shower within 48 hours. Most patients manage well with non-prescription strength medications after 48 hours. Normal activities that do not involve vigorous exercise can usually begin after 3-5 days. Vigorous exercise and sexual activity is restricted for approximately 6 weeks after breast augmentation surgery.
Do Breast Implants increase my risk of cancer?
No. Breast implants do not change your risk for developing breast cancer or your chances of survival if you do develop the disease. You do need to have special views taken of your breasts when you have a mammogram. Implants that are behind the muscle tissue generally make mammograms easier to perform.
Do Breast Implants increase my risk of developing ALCL (Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma)?
Although ALCL that occurs anywhere in the body is extremely rare, there is a new entity called Breast Implant Associated ALCL (BIA-ALCL) recognized by Health Canada and the FDA. In the past 30 years there have been only a few hundred women who have developed the illness despite more than 10 million having breast implants. At the present time, the disease is thought to only incur in the scar tissue around textured surface breast implants. For women with these devices, their lifetime risk of developing BIA-ALCL is estimated at 1 in 3000 to 10,000. To put this in popular perspective, all women have a lifetime risk of developing breast cancer estimated at 1 in 9.
How long do Implants last?
Even though the newer breast implants are more durable than ever, they are still not considered lifetime devices or guaranteed as such. The idea that implants need to be replaced every 10 years also really doesn’t apply at this point. Approximately 10% of breast implants rupture during the first 10 years. If the implants are intact and you are happy with your breasts, then no replacement surgery is indicated until you feel necessary.
Book a consultation with Dr. Cluett
Frequently Asked Questions
Whether you are considering Breast Surgery or Abdominoplasty, your plastic surgery treatment will require that you make important decisions. Dr. Cluett wants to help you feel educated about your choices and has provided a list of frequently asked questions below.
Where Will Your Procedure Take Place?
Your initial consult will take place in Dr. Cluett’s office at 7 Paton Street, The Health Sciences Centre, St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital, or Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre. Your surgical procedure will take place in a fully-equipped and safe surgical facility. These medical centres bring with them a team of specialized health care practitioners with training and experience specific to these types of procedures. Your safety is key to the success of a procedure.
What about Pre-op and aftercare?
Dr. Cluett will work to ensure your path to recovery is as smooth and short as possible. Your recovery will be unique to you, your body, and your surgical procedure, that’s why each patient needs a custom recovery programme. After your procedure, Dr. Cluett will meet with you to review your specific needs and recommended aftercare. Throughout the recovery process, should you have any questions, you can always call Dr. Cluett’s St. John’s office and her team will be able to provide you with answers, or schedule a follow up appointment.
Is a referral required for a consultation with Dr. Cluett?
Some consultations will be covered by MCP if you are referred by another physician. If you wish to avoid obtaining a referral it is possible to see Dr. Cluett. This will involve a one-time consultation fee.
Will my treatment be coverable by MCP?
If the concern you have is considered “cosmetic” by MCP standards, your treatment will not be covered. Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure if your treatment will be covered, is to see Dr. Cluett in consultation. After assessing your concerns, she will advise you as to whether or not MCP will cover your procedure based on your history as well as your physical problems.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Debit or cash. We are as well associated with Ifinance Medicard which is a company accustomed to financing cosmetic procedures. We will provide you with the necessary contact information so you can further investigate this option if requested.
Why should I choose a Plastic Surgeon for my cosmetic procedure?
A Plastic Surgeon is a surgical specialist who has completed a minimum of 5 years of study and training in plastic surgery after receiving their initial medical degree. This is different from a cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Cluett is the only female plastic surgeon in Newfoundland and Labrador.