Liposuction is a surgical procedure that utilizes suction to remove fat from specific body areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck. The procedure shapes the contours of these areas too.

Liposuction does not remove cellulite, dimples, or stretch marks but is ideal for those who wish to change and enhance their body contours.
Procedure Length: Varies depending on number of sites liposuctioned
Anesthesia: Local, Sedation, or General
Recovery: No lifting, pushing, or pulling for 4 weeks. Back to work within a week or less.
What is Liposuction or Lipoplasty?
Lipoplasty, or Liposuction, is a technique employed for remodeling fatty tissue. It is used to treat local areas underneath firm skin, specifically the abdomen, hips, thighs, lateral rib cage, neck, and or back. The indications for Lipoplasty use are specific and must be observed. It is not a treatment for obesity or cellulite.
Complications are uncommon with Lipoplasty. The long-term results for patients are good, as the fat removed in this fashion seems to be removed permanently. Lipoplasty treatment has improved the treatment of fat problems in the abdomen, hip and thigh areas where previous surgical procedures have produced excessive scarring. When performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, excellent long-term results are obtainable, making Lipoplasty the ideal way to reveal a slim and toned figure when stubborn fat is an issue.
Is Liposuction permanent?
Liposuction removes fat cells from the treated areas. This fat usually lies between the skin and the underlying muscle. In order to achieve as smooth a result as possible, some fat must be left behind to allow normal movement and gliding of the skin. The amount of fat removed is up to the judgement of the surgeon but is usually approximately 60% of the fat in a given area. This means that approximately 40% of the original fat remains. The remaining fat can be further reduced with improved nutrition and exercise or with further liposuction in some cases. It is very important to realize that this remaining fat is going to behave in the same manner as it did before your surgery. If this was the part of your body that accumulated fat before the surgery, it will still be your body’s preferred storage for fat after the surgery. The fat cells that remain do not increase in number, however they will increase in size if the conditions are right. In other words, it is essential to have lifestyle habits of good nutrition and regular exercise in place before you have the liposuction procedure. Without this you are likely to be disappointed in the long haul from the treated areas.
More Questions
Should I get Liposuction if I can’t lose weight?
Body sculpting procedures such as Liposuction are best performed on patients who are already near their ideal body weight, have maintained their weight for several months and have established healthy nutritional habits with regular exercise. Liposuction is not an obesity treatment. It is best suited for healthy, fit individuals who aren’t currently pregnant or breastfeeding and are committed to maintaining their results with diet and exercise after the procedure.
Is it possible that I will need Liposuction in the same area again?
If you have a small amount of unwanted fat and your skin tone is good, one Liposuction procedure is usually enough. For larger amounts of fat or if the skin tone is less than ideal, a staged approached liposuction may be recommended by Dr. Cluett. This can often involve further Liposuction of the same area.
Is it possible to avoid Lioposuction surgery through dieting and exercise?
With hard work and discipline you can often improve the appearance of your body without surgery. Many people however struggle to achieve the full result they desire on their own. If the skin or muscles of your abdomen have been stretched because of pregnancy, weight loss or aging, getting your body back on your own is often unlikely or impossible. Liposuction can help eliminate that final amount of obstinate fat to achieve a sleeker, more proportionate body.
Book a consultation with Dr. Cluett
Frequently Asked Questions
Whether you are considering Breast Surgery or Abdominoplasty, your plastic surgery treatment will require that you make important decisions. Dr. Cluett wants to help you feel educated about your choices and has provided a list of frequently asked questions below.
Where Will Your Procedure Take Place?
Your initial consult will take place in Dr. Cluett’s office at 7 Paton Street, The Health Sciences Centre, St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital, or Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre. Your surgical procedure will take place in a fully-equipped and safe surgical facility. These medical centres bring with them a team of specialized health care practitioners with training and experience specific to these types of procedures. Your safety is key to the success of a procedure.
What about Pre-op and aftercare?
Dr. Cluett will work to ensure your path to recovery is as smooth and short as possible. Your recovery will be unique to you, your body, and your surgical procedure, that’s why each patient needs a custom recovery programme. After your procedure, Dr. Cluett will meet with you to review your specific needs and recommended aftercare. Throughout the recovery process, should you have any questions, you can always call Dr. Cluett’s St. John’s office and her team will be able to provide you with answers, or schedule a follow up appointment.
Is a referral required for a consultation with Dr. Cluett?
Some consultations will be covered by MCP if you are referred by another physician. If you wish to avoid obtaining a referral it is possible to see Dr. Cluett. This will involve a one-time consultation fee.
Will my treatment be coverable by MCP?
If the concern you have is considered “cosmetic” by MCP standards, your treatment will not be covered. Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure if your treatment will be covered, is to see Dr. Cluett in consultation. After assessing your concerns, she will advise you as to whether or not MCP will cover your procedure based on your history as well as your physical problems.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Debit or cash. We are as well associated with Ifinance Medicard which is a company accustomed to financing cosmetic procedures. We will provide you with the necessary contact information so you can further investigate this option if requested.
Why should I choose a Plastic Surgeon for my cosmetic procedure?
A Plastic Surgeon is a surgical specialist who has completed a minimum of 5 years of study and training in plastic surgery after receiving their initial medical degree. This is different from a cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Cluett is the only female plastic surgeon in Newfoundland and Labrador.